The weather this weekend is too nice for me not to put some time working on Goat. And it's only Saturday!
I was working earlier this week on making some brackets for the jury struts the other night, but then I realized I drilled them at 3/16" instead of for rivets, so that was frustrating and I quit for several days. Throwing away parts sucks.
A little rearranging in the shop & garage helped also. Now the drill press and belt sander are in the garage for much easier access. I'm seriously considering buying a Grizzly brand band saw (now that I'm well over half-way) for making the aluminum bracket work go faster.
Speaking of bracket work, here is a before and after shot of the trailing edge strut upper attach bracket. The completed one just needs final 3/16" holes drilled, but will be used to help match-drill the new one, which is still just a sharpie outline on a piece of flat stock. A dozen minutes with a hacksaw to cut the rectangle, belt sander to round the corners, file to chamfer the edges, two clamps to hold the new part to the existing one, Dremel with a 1/16" bit to make the match drilled holes, cordless drill with a 3/16" bit to make the thru holes, and a deburring tool for these new holes to complete the part. Simple, eh?
As a point perhaps of interest, here's a picture of all the bolts remaining to go into Goat. It's several pounds of fasteners. Some are AN42B eye bolts, lots of general AN bolts, both drilled and undrilled, nuts, washers, and the stainless cable hardware. Boltalicious :-)
I did do a test assembly in the back yard today, but forgot to take pictures. Really feels good to see it coming together again. Visible progress is awesome.