Friday, April 6, 2012


I was short some thick washers, so thought it would be a good time to get the cables:  3/32" Stainless Steel 7x7 control cable.  I estimated 120ft was 15% more than I needed.  This stuff is pretty hefty... Aircraft Spruce lists 920lb strength.  The structural analysis I'm working on includes a cable member so we can get an idea of the loading in the internal bracing.

The structural analysis is still ongoing.  It's slow working for ten minutes at a time before/after work.  The simple quick tests that my coworker has shown me look absolutely fantastic, so I'm hopeful for good results.  My plan, I believe, is to run the structure that I'm building to:

1. Find the loading for yield/ultimate.
2. Figure out the first component to fail (which joint is most stressed).
3. Decide on any changes and rerun the analysis.
4. Get tip deflection numbers to anticipate during the load test (if they are within 15% and I would feel pretty awesome about the analysis).
5. Based on the analysis and load test, make a V-n diagram that I can hold myself to... this should also help justify the "has not been known to fly faster than 45mph" Vne.

What I'm really looking for in the structural analysis is a warm-fuzzy that the structure can carry me without breaking.  Beyond that is gravy.

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