It took some combination of the original drawings and the extended wing to find locations for all the hinge points, but they're set now. I also took the liberty of setting the flap and aileron lengths within the three inches of extended span. Beyond that, the process is stock. The trailing edge tube gets a hole that is measured a surface-distance away from the top of the tube; an easy way to get this is to use a long straight-edge touching the top of the leading and trailing tubes and sliding this back and forth to leave a line. From there, the surface distance gives a mark for the hinge bolt.
Root before hinging
Root after flap hinge installed
Typical wing control surface hinge.

The picture shown here has red control line holding it up in position for the photo, so just ignore that. I have to get more line to have enough for the whole wing control rigging.
Where the control rod attaches to the horn is also the same area for the attachment of the wing strut tube. Another Goat builder said this tube will interfere with the control rod, and it certainly appears that way. I'd like to find some pictures of Alan's build and see how he did it.

In none of the Goat versions are the flaps actuated. Instead, they are held fixed by the control rigging between the tail and the wing, but that comes later. First I have to make two dozen more ribs, which I am planning to do on my CNC, then add carbon rods and fiberglass tape. For now, it's just cool to get a feel for the size of the surface and see how the surfaces move.
I also added the last braces for the root rib, and riveted them, admitting the wing won't need to go back down on the surface plate (i.e. concrete floor) anymore. On that note, I also riveted the wing tip handle in place. Last tasks for this wing are:
- tip rib bending
- tip rib bracing
- bend the last standard wing rib that goes near the tip also
- glass the ribs to the leading and trailing edges
- aileron trailing edge tube bending
- fit aileron trailing edge tube into the control horn sub-assembly
- make a dozen or more foam ribs for the control surfaces
- glass the control surface ribs in place with a carbon rod capstrip
- control line guide tubes
- control line pulley to turn downward to the aileron linkage in the fuselage
- leading edge foam sheeting
- a few odds & ends, like flipping the orientation of some bolts and replacing one compression strut that has some extra holes in it
Maybe I'll assemble Goat in the driveway tomorrow to examine the strut to aileron linkage interference, and to open up the garage for sweeping up all the aluminum shaving debris. It should be nice to have some space to run the CNC as well.
1 comment:
Hi Dan, As I mentioned before, to overcome the wing strut interference the slide tube needs to be on the wing tip side of the compression strut. See my drawings YGS01 (for position of the aileron control assembly), YGS04 (modified top aileron control bracket) and YGW03 (for pulley brackets) in the file "YG Wing" under Files in the Yahoo Aichair Group. cheers Alan
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